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RSF History

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The History of The Roughrider Scholarship Fund

In 1965 The Shelby County Fair Association donated 3.4 acres where the present City Hall is located on Tenaha Street to The Center Youth Center Foundation.
After receiving the land, Alvis Howard and Frank E. Parker raised $36,000 from local businesses and interested citizens to build the Center Youth Center.

The Beginning of RSF

In 1988, the Roughrider Scholarship Foundation was started with funds from the sale of the Center Youth Center Foundation building and land to the City of Center for the sum of $57,500. The Trustees for the Youth Center had the foresight to establish a Roughrider Scholarship Fund that would be invested whereby only the interest would be used of future scholarships for graduating seniors of the Center Independent School District. The Trustees are the Mayor, President of C.I.S.D. Board and President of the Chamber of Commerce.
Soon after this foundation was established, a savings account in the amount of $36,000 was donated to the Foundation by the Riders Roost Group that Catherine Pinkston started and worked with over the years beginning in 1956.

1965 - The Youth Center is built.

Funds of $57,500 from sale of The Youth Center used to start RSF.

The Riders Roost, founded by Catherine Pinkston in 1957, donates an additional $36,000.

The Future of the Fund

With F.E. Parker as Chairman, a fund raising committee was organized. Pledges, contributions and donated assets from local business, civic groups and individuals interested in higher education now total in excess of $1,600,000.
Donations of any amount can be made to the Roughrider Foundation. The Foundation is also an “umbrella” whereby individuals, families, civic clubs and other organizations may contribute $5,000 or more in money or property and have a scholarship or scholarships given in someone’s memory or honor. In July of 1991, the twenty-three year old F.L. Moffett Scholarship Fund was transferred to this umbrella. The Foundation is approved by the IRS as a tax exempt corporation.
The goal of the Roughrider Scholarship Foundation is to enable every graduate of Center High School, who chooses to do so, to continue his or her education in college or trade school of their choice.

Center High School